Empower your team with knowledge and inspire action

Our interactive team workshops build internal awareness of environmental and social sustainability relevant to your business, ensuring these become a core part of your company culture and help your team understand how the decisions they make can ensure you reach your ESG targets.

Through open dialogue and hands-on activities, we inspire teams to develop solutions and action plans that are tailored to the unique needs of each company, creating an ESG roadmap to implement sustainability as an integral part of operations.

  • Raise awareness ESG Green office project


    Build a shared understanding of global challenges and solutions. What are the risks and opportunities of climate change and social gaps?


    Empower your colleagues to become change agents, driving positive environmental and social impact both within and beyond your organisation.


    Tailored education programs to meet the unique needs and goals specific to your industry: circularity, eco-sourcing, waste management, and more.


    Transform Friday afternoons into meaningful experiences with engaging eco-friendly activities. Educate, inspire, and build a sustainable office culture.


Knowledge empowers your team to make informed decisions and take actions towards your ESG strategy.

  • By educating employees about climate change and social inequalities, you can mitigate potential risks and adapt to emerging challenges.

    Learn more about the Climate Fresk Workshop.

  • This universal framework by the UN addresses global challenges, and provides a comprehensive roadmap that aligns social, environmental, and economic priorities.

  • Foster innovation, reduce environmental impact, and gain a competitive edge by aligning business practices with sustainable principles.

  • Reduce operational costs and align with sustainable practices by gaining comprehensive knowledge on waste types, disposal methods, and circular economy principles.


Identify and train a group of sustainability advocates within your company to drive long-term change. These Change Agents create positive environmental and social impact by fostering a culture of innovation and creativity, inspiring action toward a more sustainable future.

Change Agent: someone with the vision, knowledge and interpersonal skills to influence others and drive meaningful change both within and beyond your organisation.

Request the Change Agent Program details


Encourage your team members to join together and appreciate the importance of sustainability through a range of fun and enjoyable experiences. Inspire them on an individual level as well as uniting them in a shared purpose!

Our collaborative workshops and experience days are designed to cultivate your new company culture, aligning your teams around a purpose-led vision and empowering them to contribute to your ESG goals.

Contact us to discover our full range of hands-on activities, both inside and outside of the office.


"Attending the Climate Fresk workshop was very insightful, using collective intelligence to understand the cause and effect between human activities and environmental degradation…I would recommend attending to everyone."


“The Climate Fresk workshop really opened my eyes to the complexity of the situation and how every action has broad and wide ranging implications… I would highly encourage anyone who is concerned about the state of our planet to invest a couple of hours of their time to deepen their understanding of the huge issues facing us all.”